A unique, nature-respecting family estate offers cottage experiences by the shores of a crystal-clear lake
Versatile opportunities for holidays, relaxation, meetings, and various other events.
In Leppäniemen Hirsihuvilat there are 13 traditional log-wood villas which are meant for round-the-year usage. Altogether we can accommodate 120 people.
All the villas have been built in Leppäniemi farm and are designed by the owner of the farm. Idyllic and cosy villas are well equipped. There are smaller villas for couples and families. For bigger groups the log-wood Medieval-style castle is an excellent choice.

Ohjattu kisakenttä
Haasta ystävät, työporukka tai polttariseurue leikkimieliseen kisailuun!

21-väyläinen frisbeegolfrata
Härkälinnan frisbeegolfrata on monipuolinen rata, joka on suunniteltu palvelemaan kaiken tasoisia pelaajia.

Monitoimilautta kipparilla
Lautalla rennosti seilaillen järvellä, nauttien kesästä ja kalastuksesta – ja illalla vaikka pistää tanssiksi!
Leppäniemen Hirsihuvilat are situated in the South of Finland in the middle of beautiful Nordic forests and in the heart of a network of big and pure-watered lakes.
Hauho is well situated in terms of big cities. It is between Lahti and Tampere, the biggest inland city of Scandinavia. The distance to the historical town of Hämeenlinna is 35 kilometres and Helsinki with its international airport is only 1,5 hour away from Hauho.